Saturday, 12 July 2008

The journey

We begin our journey home tomo afternoon. Unto the boat for 24 hours then we stop in manaus and then fly to london via Sau Paulo.

Today was a good day. We split into three teams and worked on houses- mainly timber work. One team worked on a house that s back yard is literally a swamp during the rainy season. They put decking down so that the back door did not open into the water. Also had a great water fight with the kids here. The other two teams repannelled a house each. It was hard work today as the guys have given so muchs and are tired. They all put the extra effort in, right until the end.

What we have done here is so small and compared to the great need that has surrounded us. toucking only a few families in the 45000 people that live here- all of them within 5000 buildings. You could spend a life time serving just one street. Yet we hope that in some small way what we have done makes a diifference to someone. Tonight we went to the house that had the floor put in. That the 8 kids that live there now have a proper floor to sleep on- i hope that in some small way we have given a little glimpse of God. A God who cares about real people. Who moves into the neighbourhood, draws close and embraces people in the highs and lows of life. We trust we have done what we were meant to do and served where we where meant to serve. Not entering this beautiful place claiming to have all the answers, but doing what we can- hoping that if one day that if we were in the same position they would do the same. There is a part of me that is frightened of my fingerprint upon this place. With my longing to help and to provide for people that our in need, believing that God wants us to reach out to those who are in need whatever that need may be. And there is no doubt that there is a need in this place- there is poverty, there are kids that are not getting the attention they need, ther is hoplessness and a sense that that peoples lives are passing buy without purpose. The tension is trying to figure out who we meet these needs and and bring hope to people, without bringing our own pollution. A pollution that corrupts the simplicity and beauty of this place- that when familes are given more that maybe the kids won´t play in the puddles in the streets anymore because they are sitting in their room playing their PS3; that people wont have time to stop and talk and listen because they are rushing to meet the next deadline. We need to be careful of what our solutions are and what our best is. I believe that God is able to bring hope to these people, to bring purpose, real life; but maybe God looks at this place and sees yes the need and hurt, but in it He also sees the beauty more clearly. A place where time looses some of its significance. I am frightened that in throwing my answers to this place- i miss what God is painting here.

We leave maues tomorrow- dont think that has really hit me. Will miss this place and the big brown eyes of the kids that we have been spending our days with.


Anonymous said...

our prayer is as much for yourselves as for the people you leave behind This trip will have left a massiv impact on you al Dont let that impact wane as you return to what we hav here It SO true wot u said Rick We think we hav it al here cos we hav so much materially speakin but in reality we hav nothin cos we liv our lives so much each day as if God didnt matter I know its going to break many of your hearts leavin that place and while I pray for you all I also thank Him for your broken hearts cos it means He is doing His work in you Dont let that work stop and dont let any of us here stop you from doing that work when you get home Our love and prayers are with you ALL the time Safe journey All my luv to u Becks Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ellen Wright said...

sounds great rick! can't wait to see the photos...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday Calum. Mumxo

Anonymous said...

hope you all have had a great time and that you will have a safe journey home. will be glad to have you back home David even though We will only see you for a short time before we head off on holiday. remember to keep your room tidy while we are away. take care
Love Mum and dad.