Saturday, 28 June 2008

Brazil 08

Brazil 08..... Tomorrow morning 13 of us from Lurgan Elim Church will set out to Brazil for just over two weeks. We will be stopping Rio and then travelling (by slow boat 16 hours) down the Amazon to a village called Maues. Maues is a small densly populated town, with great needs. There poverty and hopelessness is evident. The team will be working along side the church there, helping in the primary school, bringing food hampers, involved in kids work and carrying out practical work in the area.
This is a great opportunity and privilege for us as a team to be heading out. All of the guys have worked hard at raising funds for this trip. A big thankyou for eveyone who has supported us both practically, prayerfully and financially. thank you for believing in us and this work.
If you have a moment please pray for us; the team consists of myself, Lee Allen, Rebecca Barr, David Cheyne, David Dawson, Grace Gardiner, Calum Jones, Timmy Lawson, Jonny McKinley, William McShane, Ryan Patterson, Mandy Steenson and Chris Wing.
You will hopefully be able to keep up to date with our trip here and if you want to leave a comment for any of the team they will get it.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008


At His birth....chaos!
A teenage girl is suspiciously pregnant.
At His death.... chaos!
Darkness, defeat, disillusionment.

A God who appears to work His master plan in the midst of chaos. That He generates a powerful, beautiful, alternative kingdom against the backdrop of confusion, suffering and despair. At his birth, His death and throughout history God is a able to work through the chaos, and often appears to prefer it.
God is at work; at work in my chaos. Those times when life delivers the unexpected, when your unsure of the next move, when you cannot create space within your head. That God works in my chaos. He can work through it even though it's messy. That God can work through the chaos and something divine is happening. Something of God is at work.
God can work through the chaos and He is in complete control of it. Through it He can create something beautiful. Through those times that I cannot predict, understand or enjoy.....something divine is happening. Something of beauty is being created, Beauty that can only be observed in the depth of a persons soul.
I choose to believe that God has not given up on this world or generation. The He has not given up on me. That He is doing more than I can ever imagine. He works in the shadows, in mystery and the mundane. He even works in the chaos, the mess of my life and this world; creating something beautiful.